6 Ways We Deny Our Joy

We’re good at denying ourselves joy.  Our ability to allow joy and happiness into our lives has been lost in a myriad of to do lists and associated fatigue.  Here’s my take on where we can improve. 1. Know your values Get congruency between mind, body and spirit by...

3 Quick Ways to Increase your Abundance

Last week I spoke extensively about abundance in my studio classes, because I realised that I’d been slowly moving away from an abundant attitude to one of fear. It was time to pull myself up before this new attitude took hold and strangled any last vestiges of...

Challenged? Me too.

Staying motivated to yoga or any long term committed practice can be difficult. Yoga and meditation in particular can throw us curlies because they make us stop and reflect on our inner world. This can be amazing, but also at times incredibly confronting.I know when...

Meditate and Radiate

Maybe you’ve seen them; the folks, with the glowing skin, shiny hair, radiating calm and vitality. Annoyingly serene, you secretly have the desire to strangle them but deep below are keen to find out their secret. Their whole demeanor denies their age. So rather than...

Burnt Out and Bitter

Feel miserable, angry, tired and overwhelmed; think everyone else has got it going on except you?  Can’t be bothered with your friends or can’t understand why you are losing friends? Then it’s time to halt yourself in your tracks, lift your gaze out of your navel and...